UdukiTsukushi 스티커 이모티콘 92개
balloons and Shimaenaga16(winter)
Animation only icon
Moving Easygoing boy Emoji
Animation only icon
cats emoji animation
Animation only icon
Nya-kun animation Emoji
Nya-kun autumn sticker
balloons and Shimaenaga15
Octopus sausage and Bento friends.
Sand cat Emoji
Nya-kun combination sticker
Nya-kun Disaster prevention sticker
balloons and Shimaenaga14
many small cats
Large letters, small cat
Two Shiba Inu Onomatopoeia
Easygoing Nya-kun sticker
Fukufuku cat.
Simple Emoji dog.
balloons and Shimaenaga13
Every day Chinchilla Emoji
balloons and Shimaenaga12(Autumn)
Summer Easygoing boy Sticker
balloons and Shimaenaga11
Nya-kun no letters sticker
Fried Shrimp Yeti
balloons and Shimaenaga10
Spring and Summer Simaenaga Emoji
Nya-kun's Congratulations sticker
Easygoing boy Emoji
Good friend Nekozukin
Nya-kun Considerate sticker
Nya-kun's Okay sticker (remade)
Nya-kun summer sticker
balloons and Shimaenaga9
Two Shiba Inu Emoji
Positive carrot and Negative carrot