
As últimas notícias e anúncios da LINE Store.

Disney Stickers, Themes, and LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum Added to LINE STORE!

Hi there, LINE STORE users! We've got some good news in store for you.

Disney stickers, themes, and LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum have all been added to LINE STORE!

Now you can choose from a variety of easy-to-use payment methods to purchase Disney content, taking purchases of in-app items to a whole new level of convenience.

Available Payment Methods
 - LINE Prepaid Card
 - Credit Card
 - Mobile Payment (DoCoMo, au, SoftBank)
 - Rakuten Edy
 - WebMoney, NET CASH, BitCash, JCB Premo Card, Mobile Suica
 - LINE Pay 

Thanks for continuing to support LINE STORE!