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Gifting your friends sticker and lucky draw for HIGH-END Housewares!

Lucky draw for HIGH-END Housewares! 
■ Campaign period:
2017/9/14 10:00~2017/9/28 23:59 (Taiwan time)

■ Campaign mechanism:
Once you gift your friend sticker in Sticker Shop or LINE STORE during the period, you can own one chance to join the lucky draw. If you gift N times, you can have N chances.

■ Campaign procedure:
Visit Sticker Shop or LINE STORE to choose one sticker, then click “Send as a Gift”.
(Please be noted that iOS users can only send gift via LINE STORE)
Winner message will be send via LINE official account “TW Sticker”, please add the OA as friend or keep it unblocked status.
*Click the link to add it as friend:
*If you cannot click the link, please search LINE OA:
LINE→「Others」→「Add friends」→「ID search」 Type in LINE ID(@linestickertw)to add as a friend.
A qualified user who sends N sticker as gift to friends can get N drawing chances.

■ Reward:
①  iRobot Roomba 980 X 2
②  dyson Supersonic hair dryer HD01 X 2。
③  Le Creuset cast iron X 3。

■ Reward Release:
1. Prize winners will be informed via LINE official account “TW Sticker” before 2017/10/20, prize winners should send back necessary document for reward release.
2. Prize winners will receive the reward around 2017/10/31. (Depend on how soon prize winners send back the completed necessary document.)
3. Prize winners should send back necessary document for reward release. After confirming, we will start to deliver the reward to prize winners.

All the rule and notice of this campaign announced on LINE official blog(http://official-blog.line.me/tw/archives/72556207.html), you will be unqualified if you violate any notice.