mittens 貼圖 表情貼 251 項
Chocolate bunny -Answer set-
Chocolate bear -Mom and child-
LOVE LOVE!!message from a Chocolate bear
LOVE LOVE! I like you4 -Chocolate bear-
Thank you&I like you
neko sand
Chocolatebear Happy Halloween&Autumn
Chocolate bear -Autumn&Winter-
Natural antique
Words of grandmother
Happy Birthday&
A cold went down
Chocolate bear -with anyone-
LOVE LOVE! I like you3 -Chocolate bear-
Message from a Chocolate bear
LOVE LOVE!I like you365 -Chocolate bear-
LOVE LOVE! I like you2 -Chocolate bear-
Merry Christmas&Happy New Year2(English)
Bear made of the chocolate 3(English)
Happy New Year -Chocolate bear-
Merry Christmas&Happy New Year 2
Gingham check&Chocolate bear
Summer vacation of the Chocolate bear
LOVE LOVE! I like you -Chocolate bear-
Chocolatebear-LOVE&Strawberry taste-
Chocolate squirrel -Kind Message-
Chocolate bear & Notebook
Congratulations on your graduation!
Girl with the eyes power(English)
A bear and balloon of the chocolate
Bear made of the chocolate
Messenger Rabbit 2
Messenger Rabbit