![The man who lost a heart](https://stickershop.line-scdn.net/stickershop/v1/product/1163918/LINEStorePC/main.png?v=1)
The man who lost a heart
I will hold lip service-like greetings!
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Fortune teller Kenken TV
Sticker sent to "mii chan"
Sticker that can be used only by Kenken
Stamp sent to "Satou"
Stamp sent to "Yamada"
Sticker that can be used only by Ayane
Sticker that can be used only by Makoto
Sticker that can be used only by Miki
Stamp that can be used only by Mito
Stamp sent to "Aya"
Sticker that can be used only by Ayano
Stamp sent to "Kimura"
tei!tou!Pretty version
Sticker that can be used by Hideharu
Sticker that can be used only by Hiroaki
Luck with money