![Koguma no Shirop(Space saving)](https://stickershop.line-scdn.net/stickershop/v1/product/16948900/LINEStorePC/main.png?v=1)
Koguma no Shirop(Space saving)
Simple and easy to use Space-saving sticker with a lot of honorifics
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nemui koboshi
Mais trabalhos de nemui koboshi
Fluffy lop ear rabbit emoji
Mofumofu Shiba inu
Koguma no Shirop food
Animation only icon
Koguma no shiropp (various occupations)
Moving kogumano shirop emoji
Popup only icon
Japanese dead language and buzzword
Netherland Dwarf Emoji (Summer)
Animation only icon
Moving Mofumofu Shiba Inu summer2
Moving Netherland Dwarf Emoji
Moving!Mofumofu Shiba inu
Animation only icon
Koguma no Shirop sticker without text
Koguma no Shirop( Decorate your photos)
Animation only icon
Koguma no Shirop with whip
Popup only icon
koguma no shirop (celebration)
Animation only icon
Koguma no Shirop sticker without text2
Mofumofu sheltie emoji
Animation only icon
mohumohu shibainu (Honorifics)
Animation only icon
koguma no shirop (baby)