Sticker of the love3 (Rabbit)
Sticker which conveys love. Let's convey love.
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(C) O-Jirou
More works from O-Jirou
Will I provoke it?
I am tired recently 2
Reaction is big! 2
Animation only icon
Animation sticker which wants to laugh.
Animation only icon
Animation sticker usable immediately
When I want to push the reality away.
I do'nt sometimes feel motivated.
Sticker of honorific & greetings.
Emoji of the simple man.(message2)
Sticker of the love2 (Rabbit)
The bear which is Kansai dialect.
Mother is easy for you
I am tired recently.
Reaction is big 2
A little is angry!
It is like the child
The recent summer is too hot!
Sticker of the love (Rabbit)