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Bring your brain out, bright purple
Only You Can Love Me Brown
I don't need a reason to love you Blue
Crazy Literature Blue and Green
My husband bought it for someone else.
The Overlord Arrives Red and Blue
Best the Data Power2
Congratulations on your holy birthday
Dialogue of study abroad
Ho-ney manjah big stikers
Emotional intelligence is worrying
I don't need a reason to love you Purple
Collage English Math Green
I am always right, Huang
the more you look like a pig. 56
Looks really random Blue Green 20
The boss is here Coffee Green 10
The rice is cooked. Red 30
Sleep with me Purple 40
Looks really random Blue Green 10
Cute little penguin2!!V2
Daily use Tohoku Cat
Merry Christmas large revised version
Dad is a superhero revised version
Revised version merchants2
Revised version of practical words1
Revised version of positive words
Revised version of birthday greetings
Very useful during working hours _B8
Useful daily stickers about eating _F
cheesy pick-uplines
Fangirl's Idol Worship
Kansai positive responses
Kiyokawa is KANSAI BOY !