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Chicken and Chick Response Japanese
Greetings- Taiwan bulbul
Inform station name of Eba line2
Inform station name of Hiroshima 4 line
Inform station name of Miyajima line2
Inform station name of Minami line2
Inform station name of Hiroshima 1 line2
Owl Style
Inform station name of Nippo main line8
Inform station name of Nippo main line7
Inform station name of Nippo main line6
Inform station name of Nippo main line5
Inco's Sasuke
Message Penguins
Information station name on Yosan Line3
Information station name on Yosan Line2
Information station name on Yosan Line1
Information station name on Kotoku Line
Information station name on Iyo Line2
Information station name on Iyo Line1
Greetings- Japanese white-eye
Inform station name of Omuta line2
Inform station name Omuta Kaizuka line
Inform station name of Kumamoto line2
Inform station name of Kagoshima line6
Inform station name of Kagoshima line5
Inform station name of Kagoshima line4
Inform station name of Chikuhi line2
Inform station name of Nagasaki line2
Inform station name of Sasebo Omuraline
Inform station name of Chikuho line
Talking chicken2
Everyday greetings from orange parakeet
Every day penguins