- Categoria
- Effect stickers (1,468)
- Stickers XG (109,325)
- Stickers de mensagem (1,354)
- Stickers personalizados (555)
- Pop-Up Stickers (9,041)
- Stickers animados (599,571)
- Fofo (2,375,111)
- Lindo (389,153)
- Estiloso (271,050)
- Aconchegante (493,809)
- Dialetos e gírias (361,684)
- Louco/esquisito (518,399)
- Engraçado (655,123)
- Saudações (353,607)
- Linguagem Cuidada (610,255)
- Sazonal (112,827)
- Balões de Diálogo (1,679,929)
- Personagens
- Personagens masculinos (204,628)
- Personagens femininos (277,933)
- Famílias e casais (117,300)
- Gatos (249,310)
- Coelhos (91,564)
- Cães (199,390)
- Ursos (56,176)
- Pássaros (53,096)
- Pandas (20,028)
- Selos (7,713)
- Comida (88,827)
- Nomes (6,511,260)
- Outro (574,111)
Dry words recorded3
Mouth Quotes5
Mouth Quotes3
Mouth Quotes1
seal- 89 Quotes34
seal- 89 Quotes32
seal- 89 Quotes30
seal- 89 Quotes28
seal- 89 Quotes26
seal- 89 Quotes24
seal- 89 Quotes21
seal- 89 Quotes19
seal- 89 Quotes17
seal- 89 Quotes15
seal- 89 Quotes13
seal- 89 Quotes9
seal- 89 Quotes7
seal- 89 Quotes11
seal- 89 Quotes5
seal- 89 Quotes3
seal- 89 Quotes
JP2 seal and girl
THAI KR seal and diver
maya in office
Simple Animals @Korean BIG Sticker
Glasan Animals @Korean BIG Sticker
lazy and chubby seal22
Chibimaruz SummerseasonSticker in Kansai
lazy and chubby seal24
Animation only icon
Aoki moves at high speed 9
Adorable Little Seal
Today tanaka (daily life edition)
Chinese jewelry_20230214235002