- Categoria
- Effect stickers (1,687)
- Stickers XG (113,240)
- Stickers de mensagem (1,390)
- Stickers personalizados (560)
- Pop-Up Stickers (9,736)
- Stickers animados (613,569)
- Fofo (2,419,633)
- Lindo (393,743)
- Estiloso (290,287)
- Aconchegante (503,075)
- Dialetos e gírias (365,023)
- Louco/esquisito (524,259)
- Engraçado (684,212)
- Saudações (360,423)
- Linguagem Cuidada (618,081)
- Sazonal (118,139)
- Balões de Diálogo (1,681,197)
- Personagens
- Personagens masculinos (210,246)
- Personagens femininos (287,927)
- Famílias e casais (120,747)
- Gatos (259,491)
- Coelhos (93,932)
- Cães (206,526)
- Ursos (57,721)
- Pássaros (55,085)
- Pandas (20,636)
- Selos (7,858)
- Comida (91,334)
- Nomes (6,577,457)
- Outro (598,178)
Mood tag (collage fun)
Oscar chen_20240614212458
Doumoto love text Sticker
hashimoto love text Sticker
Asai love text Sticker
dhiaburo love text Sticker
Rui love text Sticker
Rithis love text Sticker
GIga love text Sticker
ichigo love text Sticker
creater love text Sticker
ajin love text Sticker
Matsubayashi love text Sticker
kagari love text Sticker
kin love text Sticker
daidou love text Sticker
Kira love text Sticker
Syuna love text Sticker
ryou love text Sticker
suruga love text Sticker
Kondou love text Sticker
Matsuduki love text Sticker
demon love text Sticker
Tatsuya love text Sticker
omatsu love text Sticker
kimae love text Sticker
Teri- love text Sticker
syuu love text Sticker
combination sticker!
four cats and speech balloon Sticker 2
four cats and speech balloon Sticker