本服務條款(以下簡稱「本條款」)是僅限就中華民國境內由台灣連線股份有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」)所提供之LINE STORE(以下簡稱「本服務」)的使用條件,為使用 中華民國境內手機號碼註冊LINE帳號且使用本服務的用戶(以下簡稱「用戶」)與本公司間訂定的條款,非以中華民國境內手機號碼註冊LINE帳戶之用戶,並不適用本條款。


1. 定義


1.1 「內容」係指文字、語音、音樂、圖片、影片、軟體、程式、代碼及其他資訊等內容。

1.2 「LINE帳號」係指由LY Corporation營運之「LINE」服務的帳號。

1.3 「點數」係指可兌換本服務中有償提供的服務或內容的電子虛擬貨幣。


2. 承諾

2.1 用戶使用本服務時應遵循本條款規定,在對本條款做出有效且不可撤銷的承諾之前,不得使用本服務。

2.2 未成年用戶應經父母等監護人同意後使用本服務。用戶如為業者而使用本服務時,亦請該業者於同意本條款後,再使用本服務。此等同意皆屬有效且不可撤銷。

2.3 本服務一經用戶實際使用,將視爲該用戶對本條款做出有效且不可撤銷的承諾。


3. 條款變更



4. 帳號

4.1 用戶於使用本服務之前,必須擁有LINE帳號。此外,LINE帳號內若未事先設定電話號碼及電子郵件帳號,則無法用來登入本服務。LINE帳號的管理及使用,將依照建立LINE帳號時經用戶承諾的LY Corporation 通用服務條款之規定,請一併確認。

4.2 自LINE帳號刪除時起,用戶於本服務的所有使用權及使用紀錄不論任何理由均為消滅。即便是用戶不慎刪除帳號,原有的帳號亦無法回復,敬請留意。

4.3 本公司於知悉用戶之帳號密碼被冒用時,將立即暫停該帳號所生交易之處理及後續利用。


5. 隱私權

5.1 本公司尊重用戶的隱私權並遵守中華民國個人資料保護相關法令。

5.2 本公司經判斷後認為用戶以不當方式使用本服務時,將會向交易代辦業者及收款代理商公開用戶的登錄資訊、交易紀錄及其他調查不當使用時所需的資訊,且用戶將被視為同意前述之公開。其他部分,本公司依照本公司隱私權政策  (連結),妥善處理用戶的隱私資料與個人資料。



6. 提供服務

6.1 有關本服務的一切權利(包括著作權、商標權、專利等智慧財產權,但不限於此)皆歸本公司或授權予本公司使用的第三方所有。

6.2 本公司授權用戶依照本條款及本服務內記載之使用條件使用本服務。用戶不得將本服務之使用權轉讓或繼承與第三人。

6.3 即使本服務畫面上標有「購買」、「出售」等字樣,亦不發生有關內容之智慧財產權或所有權的轉移。用戶僅被授予上述使用權。

6.4 在本服務中購買或使用點數兌換的服務及內容,應適用各服務之使用條款。

6.5 使用LINE STORE帳號儲值之點數兌換的服務和內容,僅能在已加值點數的LINE帳號中方可使用。

6.6 本公司應確保本服務之系統具有符合一般可合理期待之安全性。用戶使用本服務時,應自費及負責備置必要的個人電腦、手機、通信設備、作業系統、通信方式及電力等。


6.8 本公司認爲必要時,得在不事先通知用戶的情形下隨時調整本服務的全部或部分內容,並可中止提供本服務。


7. 業務合作之服務



8. 點數

8.1 點數是透過使用預付卡等儲值、優惠活動及其他本公司指定的方式給與用戶。點數的購買數量、付款方式及其他使用方式,由本公司規定並記載於本服務內。

8.2 點數不得用來兌換本公司指定的服務或內容之外的現金、財物等其他經濟利益。兌換服務或內容所須的點數及其他點數使用條件,由本公司規定並記載於本服務內。使用點數兌換服務或內容後,將不得取消。

8.3 唯有儲值點數時使用的LINE帳號,方可使用該點數。

8.4 不論任何理由,點數概不退還。但法令規定有必要者,則不在此限。於此情形下,點數的退還方式由本公司將依照法令規定訂定,並公布於本公司網站等處。


9. 嚴禁事項


9.1 違反法令、法院判決、裁定或命令或具有法令拘束力的行政措施的行為。

9.2 恐有危害公共秩序或善良風俗的行為。

9.3 侵害本公司或第三人的著作權、商標權、專利權等智慧財產權、名譽權、隱私權、其他法令或契約規定權利的行為。

9.4 投稿或傳送內容有過度暴力的表現、性暗示過度露骨的表現、涉及人種、國籍、信仰、性別、社會地位、家世等有關歧視的表現、引誘或助長自殺、自傷行為或濫用藥物的表現、其他包含反社會情節在內等使人感到不愉快的表現的行為。

9.5 偽裝成本公司或第三人的行為或故意散布不實資訊的行為。


9.7 以行銷、宣傳、廣告、招攬或其他營利為目的之行為(經本公司同意者除外)、以性行為或猥褻行為為目的之行為、以與未曾謀面的異性認識或交往為目的之行為、以騷擾或毀謗中傷其他用戶為目的之行為、其他基於與本服務訂定的使用目的不同之目的使用本服務的行為。

9.8 向反社會團體提供利益或與其勾結的行爲。

9.9 利用不正當手段蒐集、公開或提供他人的個人資料、註冊資料、使用記錄資料等的行為。

9.10 干擾本服務的伺服器或網路系統的行為、利用BOT、作弊工具、其他技術性手段不當操作服務的行為、故意利用本服務漏洞的行為、超出必要限度重複同一問題等對本公司提出不當洽詢或要求的行為、其他妨礙本公司經營本服務或其他用戶使用本服務,並製造干擾的行為。

9.11 有詐欺或涉及詐欺之行為時;


9.13 其他本公司認爲不當的行爲。 

10. 用戶責任

10.1 用戶應自行承擔責任使用本服務,對於在本服務所從事的所有行為及其結果應自行負擔一切責任。

10.2 本公司認為用戶在違反本條款情形下使用本服務時,將採取本公司判斷有必要且適當的措施,包含但不限於本公司無須事前通知用戶即可刪除資訊,或停止提供本服務之全部或一部。但此不代表本公司有義務防止或糾正該等違反情形。

10.3 用戶因使用本服務(包括本公司自第三人處收到原因為該等使用的申訴),導致本公司直接或間接蒙受任何損害(包括律師費用的負擔)時,用戶應依照本公司要求立即給予補償。


11. 免責聲明





12. 爭議處理與聯絡方式




13. 契約解釋、準據法、訴訟管轄法院








LINE STORE Terms and Conditions of Use


The Terms and Conditions of Use shown herein (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions") set forth the terms between LINE Taiwan Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and users (hereinafter referred to as the "User” or “Users” depending upon context) who pre-register their telephone numbers of the Republic of China with their LINE Accounts any services or features of LINE STORE (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by the Company only within the territory of the Republic of China. The Terms and Conditions does not apply to users who pre-register their LINE Accounts by the telephone numbers not provided in the Republic of China.

1. Definitions

The following words and terms shall have the meanings set forth below when they are used in the Terms and Conditions.

1.1. “content(s)” means information such as text, audio files, music, images, videos, software, programs, computer code, and the like.

1.2. "LINE Account" means a user account specific to the LINE platform operated by LY Corporation.

1.3. “Credit” refers to the virtual currency that Users may use within the Service to pay for content and services offered by the Company, which are not free of charge.


2. Agreement to Terms and Conditions

2.1. All Users shall use the Service in accordance with the terms stated in the Terms and Conditions. Users may not use the Service unless they agree to the Terms and Conditions. Such agreement is valid and irrevocable.

2.2. Minors may use the Service only with consent from their parents or legal guardian. Furthermore, if Users use the Service on behalf of, or for the purposes of, a business enterprise, then that business enterprise shall also be deemed to have agreed to the Terms and Conditions. Such agreement is valid and irrevocable.

2.3. By actually using the Service, Users are deemed to have agreed to the Terms and Conditions. Such agreement is valid and irrevocable.


3. Modification of the Terms and Conditions

The Company may modify the Terms and Conditions when the Company deems it necessary. When modifying the Terms and Conditions, the Company shall provide notification to Users by announcement at proper places on the Company's website or any other means agreed on by the parties. The modification will become effective as soon as the modification is announced. Users shall be deemed to have granted valid and irrevocable consent to the modified Terms and Conditions by continuing to use the Service. Users shall refer to the most updated Terms and Conditions on a regular basis when using the Service.


4. Account

4.1. In connection with use of the Service, User will be required to have a LINE Account. User must pre-register a telephone number and e-mail address with their LINE account in order to log in to the Service. Please be aware that User, by creation or use of a LINE Account, further agrees to comply with the LY Corporation Common Terms of Use, at all times.

4.2. Users’ rights to use the Service and their usage history shall expire when their LINE Account has been deleted for any reason. Users cannot be reinstated even if Users have accidentally deleted their LINE Account, and the Company asks Users to be aware of this.

4.3 As soon as the Company learns that the password of a User's LINE Account has been stolen, the Company will immediately suspend processing any transactions arising out of such account and subsequent use of such account.


5. Privacy

5.1. The Company places its highest priority on the privacy of its Users, and adheres to personal information protection laws and regulations of the Republic of China.

5.2. The Company holds the right to disclose User’s registered information, transaction history, and other necessary information to payment service providers and payment collection agencies if the Company identifies a need to investigate possible misuse of the Service, and Users are deemed to have agreed to this aforementioned disclosure. The Company promises to protect the privacy and personal information of its Users in accordance with our Privacy Policy (link)

5.3. The Company promises to exercise the utmost care and attention regarding its security measures for the continued security of any and all User information.


6. Provision of the Service

6.1. The Company, or appropriate third party, shall retain all intellectual property rights arising out of or related to the Service (including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, and patent rights).

6.2. The Company grants Users the non-transferable license to use the Service, conditioned upon User’s continued compliance with the Terms and Conditions and any other posted terms and conditions of use. Users cannot transfer or assign this right to a third party.

6.3. Notwithstanding situations where phrases such as “Purchase”, “Sale”, and the like appear on the Service screens, the Company shall retain all intellectual property rights to such content.  Beyond a license to use the Service, Users are granted no additional rights in and to such content.

6.4. Users shall comply with all service-specific terms and conditions when using any service or content that is either purchased or offered in exchange for Credit(s) via the Service.

6.5. For any service or content obtained in exchange for Credit(s), only the LINE Account with credit charged to it can access such service or content.

6.6. The Company shall ensure the generally, reasonably expected safety of all the systems of the Service. Users shall supply the necessary PC, mobile phone device, communication device, operating system, and data connection necessary for using the Service under User's own responsibility and at User's own expense.

6.7. The Company reserves the right to limit access to the whole or part of the Service depending upon conditions that the Company considers necessary, such as age, identification, current membership status, and the like.

6.8. The Company reserves the right to adjust or cease, at the Company's own discretion, the whole or part of the Service at any time without any prior notice to Users.


7. Business Partners’ Services

Contents or other services offered by other business partners cooperating with the Company may be included within the Service. The business partners bear all responsibility regarding such contents and/or services offered, and such contents and services may be governed by the explicit terms and conditions etc., which are set accordingly by the business partners; provided, however, that the contents and services exchanged with the Credit(s) shall be governed by relevant terms under the Terms and Conditions. Credit(s) can be exchanged for the contents and services designated by the Company. To the extent permitted by law, such contents and services may include those provided by the LY Corporation group companies as designated by the Company (Users may click here to check the LY Corporation group companies) or purchased by the Company from those companies.


8. Credit

8.1. Credit(s) will be provided to Users by the means specified by the Company, such as redemption of gift cards and other pre-purchased media, special offers, and the like. Details regarding the payment methods, units, and other methods of using Credit(s) will be decided by the Company and displayed accordingly within the Service.

8.2. Credit(s) cannot be exchanged or used for any other purposes other than the ones offered by the Service. The number of Credit(s) required for receiving the offered services, contents, and the like will be decided by the Company and displayed accordingly within the Service. Once Users initiate the process of exchanging the Credit(s) for contents or services, this process cannot be canceled, nor the Credit(s) returned.

8.3. Credit(s) may only be used by the LINE Account that is used to redeem them.

8.4. Credit(s) cannot be refunded for any reason. However, this does not apply if required by applicable laws. If this occurs, the Company shall process refunds in accordance with the relevant laws, and such information will be made available on the Company’s website or the like.


9. Restrictions

Users shall not engage in the following when using the Service.

9.1. Activities that violate the law, court verdicts, resolutions or orders, or administrative measures that are legally binding.

9.2. Activities that may hinder public order or customs.

9.3. Activities that infringe intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks and patents, fame, privacy, and all other rights of the Company and/or a third party granted by the law or contract.

9.4. Activities that post or transmit violent or sexual expressions; expressions that lead to discrimination by race, national origin, creed, sex, social status, family origin, etc.; expressions that induce or encourage suicide, self-injury behavior, or drug abuse; or anti-social expressions that include anti-social content and lead to the discomfort of others.

9.5. Activities that lead to the misrepresentation of the Company and/or a third party, or intentionally spread false information.

9.6. Activities that exchange the right to use the Service into cash, property or other economic benefits without Company’s authorization.

9.7. Activities that use the Service for sales, marketing, advertisement, soliciting or other commercial purposes (except for those approved by the Company); use the Service for the purpose of sexual conduct or obscene acts; use the Service for the purpose of meeting a person for sexual encounters; use the Service for the purpose of harassments or libelous attacks against other Users; or use the Service for purposes other than the Service's true intent.

9.8. Activities that benefit or collaborate with organized crime.

9.9. Activities that illegally or improperly lead to the collection, disclosure, or provision of other’s personal information, registered information, user history, or the like.

9.10. Activities that interfere with the servers and/or network systems of the Service; that abuse the Service by means of BOTs, cheat tools, or other technical measures; that deliberately use defects of the Service; that make unreasonable inquires and/or undue claims such as repeatedly asking the same question beyond the necessity, and that interfere with the Company's operation of the Service or Users' use of the Service.

9.11. Activities involving or related to fraud;

9.12. Activities that aid or encourage any activity stated in Clauses 1 to 11 above.

9.13. Other activities that are deemed by the Company to be inappropriate.


10. Users’ Responsibility

10.1. Users shall use this Service at his/her own risk, and shall bear all responsibility for actions carried out and their results upon this Service.

10.2. The Company may take measures that the Company considers necessary and appropriate, including but not limited without prior notice to the Users to deleting the information or suspending part or all of the Service, if the Company acknowledges that a User is using the Service in a way which violates the Terms and Conditions. However, the Company shall not be responsible for correcting or preventing such violation towards Users or others.

10.3. In the case where the Company has suffered loss/damage or has been charged an expense (including but not limited to lawyer's fees) directly or indirectly (including but not limited to cases where the Company has been sued for damages by a third party) due to the User violating applicable laws or the Terms and Conditions while using the Service, the User shall immediately compensate the Company upon its request.


11. The Company’s Exemption of Liability

11.1. The Company does not expressly or impliedly guarantee that the Service (including contents) are free from de facto or legal flaws (including but not limited to stability, reliability, accuracy, integrity, effectiveness, fitness for certain purposes, security-related faults, errors, bugs, or infringements of rights). The Company shall not be responsible for providing the Service without such defects.

11.2. The Company shall not be responsible for any damages inflicted upon Users in relation to the use of the Service. However, if the agreement (including but not limited to the Terms and Conditions) between the Company and Users regarding the Service shall be deemed as a consumer contract under the relevant laws, then this exemption clause shall not be applied.

11.3. Notwithstanding the condition stated in clause 11.2 above, the Company shall not be responsible for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages (including but not limited to such damages that the Company or Users predicted or could have predicted) with respect to the Company’s contractual default or act of tort due to the Company's negligence (except for gross negligence). The compensation for ordinary damages in respect to the Company’s contractual default or act of tort due to the Company's negligence (except for gross negligence) shall be limited to the total amount of received fees from the User in the particular calendar month in which such damages occurred.


12. Dispute Resolution, Notification and Contact

12.1. When the Company notifies or contacts Users regarding the Service, the Company may use a method that the Company considers appropriate, such as posting on the website operated by the Company.

12.2. To contact the Company in regard to the Service or consumer disputes, Users shall use our Contact Form available on the website ( operated by the Company or other means designated by the Company. As soon as the Company receives full information from Users, the Company will contact the Users and handle their cases within the time limit set forth in the applicable laws and regulations.


13. Contract Interpretation, Governing Law and Jurisdiction

In the event of disputes arising from the terms hereof, such terms shall be interpreted in favor of Users. These Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of the Republic of China. Disputes between Users and the Company arising from or in connection with the Service shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Shilin District Court in the first instance.


Latest update and effective on October 2, 2024.