
Kabar dan pengumuman terbaru dari LINE Store.

Ubah aplikasi sesuai keinginan dengan Tema LINE!

Tema kini tersedia di LINE versi iOS. Perbarui ke versi terbaru (17 Feb) untuk mulai memakainya.

Ganti skin aplikasi LINE dengan karakter favorit Anda. Set rilis pertama mencakup karakter LINE populer, dengan Hello Kitty, Rilakuma, dan karakter populer lain direncanakan untuk tema yang akan datang.

Themes offered with LINE give a total overhaul to the look of the app, changing your start screen, friends list, chat screens, and even menu buttons. Since June 13, 2013, themes for the popular LINE characters Brown and Cony have been offered for free, reaching over 200 million downloads. These themes let users change the look of LINE to fit their own tastes, and users the world over have given their seal of approval!

The new app version update introduces the Theme Shop, where you can buy a variety of themes to use in LINE. In addition to the themes already offered, you can now buy themes featuring the LINE characters Sally and Leonard for just JPY 300 (150 Coins). New themes for Hello Kitty, Rilakkuma, and more will go on sale soon, and we’ll be improving the shop by adding more and more popular characters in the future.

Please note that themes can only be used on the iPhone and Android versions of LINE. Purchased themes will be supported for a period of half a year after sales have ended.

LINE Web Store: