![Santa Claus and Panda](https://stickershop.line-scdn.net/stickershop/v1/product/1725515/LINEStorePC/main.png?v=1)
Santa Claus and Panda
Sticker of a little Santa Claus and Panda. It can be used from Christmas through the New Year holidays.
스티커 배열/프로필 꾸미기기능 지원
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ILOHACO의 다른 아이템
Rabbit and fox winter version
fox who supports
Animation only icon
moving fox (for spring)
Panda and bird Emoji
Foxes Emoji
Moving cute Foxes animated Emoji
Gods at Play - Japanese Mythology Kojiki
Animation only icon
moving panda(seasonal events)
A white bird Long-tailed Bushtit winter
봄 여우 이모티콘
Fox's Christmas
Shiba Inu and White Pomeranian
Japanese good luck charm Emoji
Message sticker
Foxes message(English)
Animation only icon
희고 둥근 조류
Fox big Stickers
Message sticker
Cute character balloon message(English)
A lot of love foxes