A drunk otter
An otter who is a drunk otter who wants to drink. /alcohol/drinking party/alcoholic/beer/sake/end of the year party/new year's party
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Karya Lain dari rasun
A selfish otter who wants attention
A cat that gently refuses
A selfish chinchilla who wants attention
Alcoholic, Scumbag Uncle 2
A tired, lethargic otter
Gently refusing otter
Sick cats at their limit
Selfish raccoon
A lethargic tired and exhausted hamster
A hedgehog who wants to refuse
Alcoholic, drunk, trash cat
Selfish cats wanting attention
Lethargic, tired, and exhausted cats
A rabbit with a cold
A drunk scum hamster
Alcohol scum/alcohol scum ferret
Calico cat not feeling well
Shiba Inu with a cold and feeling unwell