![My name is Dharma MORIKAWA](https://stickershop.line-scdn.net/stickershop/v1/product/6577010/LINEStorePC/main.png?v=1)
My name is Dharma MORIKAWA
Put a my name dharma sticker on email !
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shiba_65의 다른 아이템
Dharma style of the Tiger (7)
"Maneki Neko" Dharma Style
Pentagon face Character
A Cute Magellanicus Penguin
Women wearing a kimono
Women in onepiece
Moon-Faced Character (2)
Dharma style of the Tiger (5)
Celebrate the Girls' & Boys' Festivai-2
A Plump Dharma (2)
The Gourd family (2-2) : vol.revision
A Plump Dharma (1)
Dharma style of the Tiger (6)
The Gourd family (1-2)
Dharma style of the Tiger (4)
Moon-Faced Character