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The Green Bean
Popup only effect icon
Cucumber Boy...Relax Fx
Popup only icon
Broccoli : Broccolove Pop-Up
The Takoyakipien Sticker 4
Popup only icon
Strawberry : Strawberlove Pop-Up
Supawid kid wa good job krab
Siwas kid wa good job krab
Popup only effect icon
Eggplant Man:Buy eggplant take4aunt2 Fx
Popup only icon
Eggplant Man:Buy eggplant take 4 aunt2P
Popup only effect icon
Carot of Love Fx
Popup only icon
Carot of Love Pop-Up
Popup only icon
Drinking Bubble tea pop-up stickers
Titsadee kid wa good job krab
The Takoyakipien Sticker 3
Popup only effect icon
Angry Bananas : Good smell Banana Fx
The Takoyakipien Sticker 2
The Mikan Pien Sticker
Popup only effect icon
The background moves! Nekkochans
The Takoyakipien Sticker
Popup only effect icon
I love sweets The background moves
Popup only icon
Angry Bananas : Good smell BananaV.2-POP
The Kanikoropien Sticker
Animation only icon
<Useful by family> Communication sticker
Popup only icon
Cucumber Boy...Relax Pop-up
Animation only icon
Move! expressed with food 1
Popup only icon
Potato Man...Pop-Up
Animation only icon
Small fruit point
Animation only icon
Fumiko moves at high speed 5
Animation only icon
Nozomi moves at high speed 5
Animation only icon
Yoshida moves at high speed 5
Animation only icon
Masaki moves at high speed 4
Animation only icon
Emotional Potato Man
Animation only icon
Corky YoDaRe
Gyoza no Gyo-Chan New Year Holidays